How It Started At ActiveLinx.

About Active Linx

Active Linx was established by Paul Moore over 10 years ago to provide technologies to help improve the lives of people living with disabilities and to help them return to active living. Having over 30 years of personal experience in disability, as a T3 Complete Spinal Cord Injured from a road traffic accident, the aim/journey has always been personal to seek out market leading innovative products and solutions.

With expertise, personal experience, and market leading products we are dedicated in providing disability equipment where everyone’s needs are assessed, and the goal is always for the individual to start where they are and to look forward to improving their own active living. One size does not fit all.

We are a company that is dedicated to solution provision and support and advise is always on going. We work closely with expert engineers and clinicians to ensure our products are effective and continue to provide market leading innovation.

Supplying Specialist Market Leading Products

We are the Exclusive importer of the BerkelBike to the UK – an indoor and outdoor bike powered by either arms or legs or both limbs at the same time even if they are paralyzed. With the addition of FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation) technology paralysed/ weakened muscles with be assisted to cycle again improving muscle mass.

We also supply Easystand standing devices for wheelchair users in the UK. This sit to stand technology provides people of all abilities, size, age and with varying conditions full supportive standing.

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